Ts & Cs

HatteryFlattery – Hire Terms & Conditions


“Goods” means any hat, fascinator, headband or handbag. “Collection Date” means the date advised by the “Customer” at the time of formation of the Contract for the intended collection of the “Goods” from the place of Hire and written on the Agreement Form and the “Return Date” means the date advised by the “Customer” at the time of formation of the Contract for the intended return of the “Goods” from the place of Hire.

  1. All Contracts of Hire shall be deemed to incorporate these Terms and Conditions. No variation or addition to these conditions is effective unless it is agreed, in writing, by HatteryFlattery.
  2. The hire prices quoted are for the duration agreed. (i) a security deposit for the full value of the hired “Goods” shall by paid by the “Hirer” prior to the release of the “Goods”. The security deposit is held against the “Goods” hired and will be processed in the event that the “Goods” are not returned (which will be assumed if the “Goods” have not been returned within 3 days of the “Return Date”)(this also includes the box, if supplied within Hire Agreement). In any event that damage has occurred to the “Goods” the security deposit will be held by HatteryFlattery. (ii) The full hire fee is payable at the time of booking. (iii) The hire period is set out in the ‘order form’ at the time the order is agreed.
  3. The liabilities of the “Hirer” commence at the time the hired “Goods” are collected from the place of Hire and continue until the “Goods” are returned to the place of Hire. During this time, the “Hirer” will: (i) keep, at the “Hirer’s” own expense, the hired “Goods” in good and careful condition. Common sense to prevail in the event of inclement weather. In the event of any hired “Goods” being damaged or lost due to fire or theft, or any other cause whatsoever will pay HatteryFlattery the full replacement value of the “Goods” plus the original hire charge. In the event of “Goods” being damaged and requiring repair, the “Hirer” will pay the full cost of the repair.
  4. HatteryFlattery recommends that the hired articles are fully insured to their full replacement value against ALL risks.
  5. At the discretion of HatteryFlattery the full deposit will be NON refundable in the event of a cancellation of the order. In unusual circumstances where HatteryFlattery has delivered any article and a cancellation is made after the delivery HatteryFlattery reserves the right to collect the full hire charge.
  6. No liability shall attach to HatteryFlattery for :- a) any delay or failure to deliver due to circumstances which are outside its control. b) any damage or injury caused by the misuse of the Company’s property.

Customers are asked to check their order carefully – make sure it  is correct, complete and in good condition.

  • Governing Law. The contract will be governed by the laws of England and Wales. The English and Welsh Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this contract.
  • Name:
  • Date:
  • Hired Item:
  • Hire Price: £
  • Deposit: £
  • Return Date:
  • Signature:

Once this has been signed you are legally bound by the Terms and Conditions. The care of any hired item by you is your responsibility, even if the hired item has not been used.